6 Tips to Avoid Post-Summer Blues and Absenteeism

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September 23rd, 2019


As summer fades into fall, employers may notice their employees struggling to engage with their tasks. Returning from a summer vacation can be difficult and lead to poor productivity, detachment, and even culminate in absenteeism. Thankfully, there are several ways employees can prevent post-vacation blues in order to thrive in the workplace.

  1. Incorporate a transition day. Employees who return from vacation one day and resume work the next are likely to experience stress and resentment toward their job. Not only do they have to return to the office, but they also have to catch up on laundry, grocery shopping, and potentially recover from jetlag. Incorporating at least one transition day for these tasks can make returning to work a little easier.
  2. Plan vacation ahead of an exciting project. While almost everyone would choose lounging at the beach over spending time in an office, planning vacations prior to beginning an exciting assignment can make heading back to the office more appealing. Plus, vacations can allow employees to recharge and reenergize to give their work more focus.
  3. Schedule a mid-week return. This isn’t always possible, but returning mid-week allows employees to ease back into their schedule so they don’t feel overwhelmed. Knowing that the weekend is just a couple of days away can facilitate a gentler re-entry to regular work hours.
  4. Pace workloads upon returning. Diving straight back in at full throttle is a sure way to burnout or begin resenting the office. Starting with less complex projects allows employees to incorporate an adjustment period to build back up to their usual pace.
  5. Build in easy wins. Employees can feel defeated if they return to work and struggle to get out from under a mountain of tasks that built up while they were away. Planning some high-priority but easy to accomplish tasks upon returning to the office allows employees to generate momentum and helps them find their stride again.
  6. Have the right attitude. Employees that view vacations as a recovery from their job rather than an opportunity to recharge will likely struggle to reintegrate into the workplace. This kind of attitude makes employees resistant to returning to work.

Employers noticing their staff members struggling with the end of summer blues should take steps to ensure a positive company culture. When employees know their employer cares about their wellbeing, it improves their productivity, engagement, and attendance. Contact the experts are Actec to learn how we can help your business tackle absenteeism and other attendance challenges.

5 Absenteeism Causes Lurking in Your Office

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March 25th, 2019


Employee absenteeism comes with a hefty cost. Employers lose money on the employees who aren’t working, the employees who have to stay late to pick up the slack, and on costs related to HR managing unplanned absences. However, while it’s easy to assume absenteeism stems from laziness, this is not typically the case. There are several underlying reasons that can contribute to attendance issues.

  1. Illnesses and injuries. This type of absence is unavoidable. If an employee is contagious or suffering from a debilitating injury, they can’t and shouldn’t come to work until they are fully recovered. Otherwise, they run the risk of infecting other office members or relapsing. Having a solid absence reporting system in place can help mitigate the effects of these types of absences as HR and employers can be aware of the issue as soon as possible and develop a plan to deal with it.
  2. Low morale. If conflict is a constant norm in the office, employees aren’t going to want to show up for work. Existing in an environment fraught with tension is less than ideal and ultimately results in attendance problems and low productivity. High-stress work environments can also cause low morale and disengagement. Management can mitigate some of this by offering positive feedback and rewarding exceptional work.
  3. Burnout. Some employees work themselves non-stop in their zeal to commit to their work. However, coming in early and staying late without a break will eventually result in burnout. Sometimes, employees do it to themselves because of their personalities. Other times, employees overwork themselves because they believe it’s what their managers expect. Setting realistic expectations for working hours can help prevent this issue.
  4. Not enough flexibility. A traditional nine to five schedule doesn’t work for everyone. Employees who attend college or have to get children to and from school may need to shift their work hours to the left or the right to ensure the best work-life balance. When employers force rigid schedules, it can breed resentment and result in attendance problems such as ducking out early.
  5. Time theft. Continuing with the above, not all forms of attendance issues manifest as missing an entire day’s worth of work. Tardiness to work or meetings, leaving early, or taking long breaks all add up to lost productivity.

Implementing an absence reporting solution can help give HR employees the tools to identify, track, and manage attendance issues. If your company is struggling with absenteeism or attendance problems, Actec can help. Contact us to learn more about managing absenteeism.