How to Implement an Attendance Management Program

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November 29th, 2016


shutterstock_174875483Absence management is a difficult task for Human Resources. Navigating habitual absences and conducting investigations can be cumbersome and awkward for all parties involved. By having an attendance management program (AMP) in place, employers can take the guesswork out of the process. Below are crucial components that any AMP needs to succeed.

Define Absence

An absence may seem cut and dry, but not all habitually absent employees are the same. Some absences are not the fault of the employee, such as inclement weather. For the sake of the program, make it clear which absences count for the purpose of the AMP.

Innocent and Culpable Absences

Continuing with the above, employers need to distinguish the cause behind the absence. The cause of the habitual absences can determine the best course of action. For example, an employer would handle an employee who calls out every Friday for seemingly unconnected reasons very differently from an employee who called out for a week straight due to a documented illness. Classification can help employers establish their approach to managing various types of absences.

A System for Tracking Absences

Employers need to ensure they have a way to monitor and track absences. The system should be able to distinguish the difference among paid sick leave, unpaid sick leave, and so on. By being able to review employee attendance, employers can notice patterns or find answers to their absence-related questions.
Implementing a workplace AMP can help employers manage attendance and reduce habitual absenteeism. However, implementing such a program can be difficult. For a custom solution to address your company’s absence management needs, contact Actec.

Absence Management and Record Keeping

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November 1st, 2016


shutterstock_306793247 - CopyThere is a lot of talk about absence management among Human Resources professionals, but talk only goes so far. While most companies have an absence policy, less than a quarter of them record and monitor absences. Without absence data, there can be no effective absence management.
A major way record keeping can improve absence management is by providing employers with potential solutions. The data can show patterns that allow employers to develop a response plan for different types of absences. For example, musculoskeletal problems are one of the main causes for absences. If an employer creates a way for rapid access to physiotherapy after an injury, they can reduce the amount of time an employee requires before returning to work.
Absence records can also help identify habitually absent employees. For instance, an employee may call out sick every year right before a major holiday or busy season. While this employee may have a legitimate seasonal health issue, the data can provide employers with a starting point. The employer can then investigate the legitimacy of these absences and determine ways to help mitigate their frequency.
Knowledge is power. The right data can help employers learn why their staff takes time off and how to manage those absences. Contact Actec for custom solutions to meet your absence management needs.

Employee Absenteeism: Causes and Solutions

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September 13th, 2016


employee-absenteeismNo employee can avoid the occasional illness or the unexpected passing of a family member. However, when an employee is absent on a regular basis, there are usually other factors at play. While many employers know that illness is not the only cause of employee absenteeism, not enough of them are taking steps to resolve the source of the issue. Below are some of the most common causes of absenteeism and how to start resolving them.


When a child is sick or their childcare arrangements fall through, one of their parents will have to call out of work to address the problem. Issues of health and childcare take time to resolve, and that time is most often during the work day. To combat this issue, some companies instituted on-site daycares and programs designed to help employees find short and long-term child care.


Many employees desire to maintain a work-life balance but feel burnt out by the end of the week. One solution to this problem is to offer flextime within reason. Some companies allow employees to work longer work days at the beginning of the week so they can work fewer hours at the end of the week. The idea is that employees are better rested at the start of the week, but start to feel the wear and tear of work by the end of the week. By offering flexible work hours, companies can reduce employee burnout and the related absenteeism.


Sometimes, employees get sick. However, the workplace may be contributing to the cause and duration of their illness. Employees who are overworked in poorly designed workplaces experience a higher degree of stress and muscular-skeletal illnesses. Employers can address part of the issue by providing an ergonomic working environment. Employees who are stressed out about returning to long work hours after a prolonged illness may take additional sick days as well. One solution is to offer a slow reintegration. By working a reduced schedule and building back up to normal hours, employees will feel less overwhelmed.
While the above are common causes of routine absenteeism, there are many more attendance difficulties a company can face. To learn more about the causes of employee absenteeism and how to resolve them, contact us.

Absence Reporting as a Tool to Improve Workplace Efficiency

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August 3rd, 2016


shutterstock_252811903 - CopyAbsence reporting systems provide structure to leave tracking and management, allowing organizations to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulatory standards. But there’s more.
A properly implemented absence reporting system can help employees to understand when and how to best use their time off, minimizing confusion and excessive simultaneous absences. In addition, promoting the use of vacation, sick time, and other leaves of absence can help employees to feel appreciate, keeping them more motivated and productive while at work. Further, promoting use of leave time within a calendar year through clear communications and a reminder system can reduce the amount of rollover. With less accrued leave time, your organization can reduce the likelihood that an employee (or several) will take extended and/or unplanned time.
All of this leads to a boost in employee morale and a decrease in workplace instability, enhancing your ability to make accurate and useful projections for productivity, operating expenses, and more. To learn more about the various advantages of absence reporting systems, contact us.

Top Absence Reporting Blog Posts

Posted on

July 26th, 2016


shutterstock_174966584 smAbsence reporting has grown more important and more frequently discussed with each passing year. As leave requirements and labor costs increase, the methods of logging and tracking employee absences are crucial factors in controlling costs and maintaining compliance. Actec Systems writes a wide variety of blog posts on the subject. Here are 5 of the most important:

Get Your Company’s Intermittent Leave Under Control

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July 12th, 2016


shutterstock_227384539 - CopyOne of the most difficult leaves to manage from a Human Resource and management standpoint is FMLA Intermittent Leave. With employees on a reduced work schedule, employers often find it difficult to preserve productivity, managers struggle to keep a shift adequately staffed, and HR has difficulty accurately maintaining the employee’s FMLA leave bank. If your company can get intermittent leave under control, your organization will be able to maintain compliance while returning to optimum levels of productivity.
FMLA Intermittent Leave
Most employees will leave for a specific period of time if they are sick or injured. Once they are better, these employees will return to work and resume their duties without complications.
In some instances, however, an injury or illness will require an employee to take multiple leaves of absence. In addition, when the employee is at work, they may not be able to work their standard number of hours in a workweek or be able to complete all of their duties. For example, if the employee was full time before their injury, they may need to become part-time while they recover from their injury. They may also have to leave for several surgeries and spend time away from work to recuperate.
Employers find this type of intermittent absence one of the most difficult FMLA leaves to track for compliance and productivity. In fact, two-thirds of HR managers rank FMLA Intermittent leave as the most difficult to track and maintain.
One Call Solution
By creating a reporting system where employees can call in absences, companies can streamline their absence management process. And by using software that can report an intermittent leave absence and apply it to the employee’s FMLA leave bank, the company is one step closer to getting administration and compliance under control.
FMLA Intermittent leave takes planning, organization and a proactive strategy to maintain efficient employee utilization. To help learn how to get our company’s intermittent leave under control, contact the experts at Actec today.

What A Rubber Stamp Absence Policy Costs Your Business

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June 28th, 2016


shutterstock_174875483Many companies struggle with aligning absence management, employee efficiency, and legal compliance. This often leads to a “rubber stamp” mentality when dealing with FMLA and state leave issues. What employers frequently fail to understand is that such policies this policy is a direct result of absence abuse and loss of company productivity.
FMLA Litigation Costs
Litigation in FMLA cases costs an average of $78,000. This leads businesses to believe that they need to avoid a potential lawsuit at all costs. Rubber stamping FMLA leave requests seems like a less expensive solution to the problem.
Unique Leave Requirements
Another factor in creating a rubber stamp policy is the fact that approximately 95% of employees work in a state that has unique leave requirements. This makes managing and tracking leave entitlements difficult, especially if the company has offices in more than one state. When management becomes too complicated, granting an employee’s leave request seems like the easiest solution.
An Alternative to Rubber Stamp Policies
The money that a rubber stamp policy costs in productivity loss and employee efficiency can cost some organizations far more than the possible litigation of an FMLA case.
The first step in creating an effective absence management strategy is an absence audit to determine if revisions are necessary. One of the first signs of a potential rubber stamp issue is an existence of absence abuse. If HR doesn’t investigate an employee’s state or FMLA absence request, this can encourage an increase in false claims.
If the audit shows that your company needs to revise its current legal compliance policy, then you need to design a system that can manage and track all leave entitlements. This will help to reduce false claims and help to show your company is in compliance with all requirements.
A comprehensive absence tracking and management system can help you replace your rubber stamp policy with a strategy that will manage unique leave requirements and employee productivity. Contact the experts at Actec to learn more.

Benefits of New Absence Management Strategies

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June 14th, 2016


shutterstock_174966584 smAt a recent HR conference, corporations like Pepsi Co explained the benefits they have seen by creating a cohesive absence management strategy.
Corporations aren’t the only organizations that silo their absence management, disability programs and other Human Resource tasks. Whether you are an organization of 50 employees or 5,000, separating HR functions can lead to:

  • Duplicate forms to satisfy all regulatory requirements
  • Inefficiencies in returning employees to work after their leave has expired
  • HR staff struggling to track all the different types of leave

These inefficiencies also lead to drop in their revenue. Pepsi Co and other organizations merged their absence with disability management in order to coordinate claims tracking, integrate lost time data and implement best practices across all HR operations.
The result:

  • A reduction in overall costs
  • An understanding of employee leave and absence drivers
  • A company-wide increase in productivity

Another step in this integration process was to establish a centralized reporting center. The call center offers employees a phone number that will connect them with a representative capable of tracking all absence types and answering any absence-related questions.
You don’t have to be a large corporation to leverage an integrated absence management program. Contact the experts at Actec to learn what an integrated call center can do for your business.

Webinar: FMLA & Total Absence Management – Turning a Weakness into an Opportunity

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May 13th, 2016


In this Actec Systems educational webinar subject matter experts John Hearn and Michael Godwin review practical strategies and solutions to logistical challenges in absence management and absence reporting. From administrative retroactive adjustments to compliance inconsistencies and poor clinical handoffs, absence management programs can cause difficulty for even the most organized businesses. Pinpoint your organization’s challenges as we review the following topics:
* Practical absence process vs. compliance details
* Understanding perspectives of various stakeholders
* Identifying and circumventing industry limitations
* Seeing the bigger picture regarding absence management

For a copy of the slides, click here. To learn more about absence reporting, contact us.

Webinar: FMLA & Absence Management – Processes to Drive Compliance

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April 26th, 2016


Join Actec Systems for this educational webinar as subject matter experts John Hearn and Michael Godwin review practical strategies and solutions to logistical challenges in absence management and absence reporting. From “notification leakage” to compliance inconsistencies and poor clinical handoffs, absence management programs can cause difficulty for even the most organized businesses. Pinpoint your organization’s challenges as we review the following topics:

  • shutterstock_174966584 smPractical absence processes to support compliance
  • Managing the perspectives of various internal stakeholders
  • Identifying and circumventing industry limitations
  • Big picture process design to support absence management

Two Sessions Held Thursday, May 12th:
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT
Space is limited – use this link to register: